Vertex CD+ provides an enterprise-wide burning and importing option.

Automated DICOM CD Burning, USB Production; and Importing
Select your setup:
Stand Alone or Enterprise

Select from a large array of affordable inkjet and thermal CD/DVD burning and USB production systems to meet the needs of your healthcare facility.
Centrally Manage All CD Burners and USB Production
Securely and conveniently setup, configure, and access multiple CD burners and USB production systems
Separate CD Burners and USB Production Systems from the Server
Achieve enterprise-wide burning by physically seperating CD burners and USB production systems from the server.
Enterprise Access to All Vertex Applications
With a single-server login, users can access all permitted Vertex Platform applications.
Easy to Learn and Use
With a single screen & drag-and-drop functionality, Vertex significantly simplifies the user experience and accelerates operator training.
Import DICOM nd Proprietary DISCs
Transparently import poorly formatted and proprietary DISCs into your PACS- eliminating the need to re-scan a patient or request another DISC.
Attended Workflow
Operators can complete multiple tasks simultaneously for maximum production.
Unattended Workflow
Customizable data profiles- automatically share studies with multiple destinations.
Installation-Free Client Deployment
Click-once deployment technology minimizes IT requirements and streamlines the workstation installation and maintenance process.
PACS Integration and Support
Developed to easily connect with your PACS in minutes, reducing installation cost.